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NEMO - Victory Screenhouse


Nemo Victory Screenhouse

Meet your new favorite hangout spot. Victory Screenhouse is NEMO’s cavernous and convenient freestanding shelter designed for any group gathering, from car camping to backyard barbecues. With rain gutters to outsmart pooling water on the roof and a sealed interior skirt, Victory Screenhouse protects from the elements while maintaining clear views on all sides.

Designed to enable one-handed entry, this screenhouse is made with vertical walls for increased headroom and is compatible with the NEMO Victory Picnic Blanket (XXL) (sold separately) for a more luxe “floor.”

  • Pairs perfectly with the NEMO Victory Picnic Blanket (XXL).
  • Designed to provide freestanding shelter for the whole group from the sun, bugs, and rain.
  • Fits a full-size picnic table comfortably.
  • Step pad enables one-handed zipper entry while walking height entry requires no ducking.
  • Internal stash pockets provide a safe place for glasses or phones.
  • Integrated rain gutter solves the age-old problem of pooling water.
  • Vertical mesh walls create more space and increased ventilation.
  • Protected by the NEMO Lifetime Warranty.