Canoe Lessons - Basic Skills Course
Our canoe lessons are ideal if you're new to canoeing or want to fix bad habits and refine your skills.
During the basic skills course, you're taught basic strokes and maneuvers, proper technique with an emphasis on steering using the 'J-Stroke', and how to safely launch a canoe and pull it out of the water. We also educate you on the different canoe designs and their specific uses and benefits as well as canoe terminology and how to lift and tie down a canoe on your vehicle.
Prerequisite: Swim 50-Meters with a PFD
Course Length: 3-Hours
Location: Frontenac Outfitters Canoe & Kayak Centre
How to Book
Contact Us about customizing a date for your canoe lessons - basic skills course!
Minimum of 3 students in order to run the course.
- Boat Designs and Terminology
- Canoe Types – Tripping, Recreational, Solo
- Safety features and what constitutes a safe canoe
- Safety equipment – what one needs to be ‘legal’ vs. what one needs to be ‘safe’
On Water Skills
- Launching Methods - Entering and Exiting from a Dock or Shoreline
- Forward and Reverse Strokes
- Technical Strokes - ‘J’ Stroke, Sweeps, Draws, Pry
- Rafting and T-Bow Rescue
We Provide
- Premium Tandem Tripping Canoe
- Canoe Paddle(s)
- Safety Kit - Bailer, Whistle, and Throw Bag
Cancellation Policy
Courses are non-refundable; however, a credit is kept on file in the instance of cancellation provided that the cancellation has occurred a minimum of 30 days prior to any course date. This credit can be used towards a future course or purchase but must be used up within the same calendar year.
Frontenac Outfitters reserves the right to cancel or reschedule courses due to extreme weather or lack of participation.
Suggested Stuff to Bring (Weather Dependent)
- Wide-Brimmed Hat
- Sunglasses (eyeglass floats are also suggested)
- Sunscreen and lip balm (waterproof)
- Bathing suit and towel
- Clothing you feel comfortable in - T-shirt, light long-sleeve shirt, shorts, dry pants, etc...
- Water shoes or sandals
- Water Bottle (we stock pop & water)
- An attitude for having fun!
Places to Stay
We offer on-site wooded and waterfront campsites at an additional cost.
Should you have any questions about our canoe lessons, please do not hesitate to call 613.376.6220 or email us at info@frontenacoutfitters.com!
Have you ever thought about learning how to kayak?
Check out our Getting Started Kayaking Course to learn why so many canoeist are falling in love with double-blade paddling!